Eagle Scout Project - United States Map

My Eagle Scout project was to replace the U.S. map on the Marshal Elementary School playground, which is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. The map size was 37’ x 25’ feet and including a 4’ x 4’ compass rose. The project took about two months to plan and get approved. In that time I received donations from both of the local Home Depot branches, equaling about $600 in paints and equipment. This project taught me a lot about the world and gave me new skills I didn’t have before. For example, I gained leaderships skills, the ability to manage planning projects, listening skills, public speaking, and many more. Scouting gave me a lot to work with. My Eagel Scout Project and other achievements in scouting gave me a solid ground to build upon.

Year 2016
Project Dates: July 15 through July 17

Two months of planning and paper work.

Finished Eagle Scout Project   July 2016

Finished Eagle Scout Project July 2016

Freshly paved pavement ready to have a new map put back on it. July 2016

Bay Door

I been working at OARS for the past four years. We have had a slight problem with deliveries not being able to find our business even with Google Maps. So I was tasked with painting our logo on the bay door of the warehouse. Working with Sherwin- Williams and the OARS’s graphic design team’s logo.

Year 2023
May - July

Oars Library Ammo Cans

Books are a great thing to have on a long trip, especially without access to technology. With the purchase of new ammo cans there was a need for a welcoming design. I came up with a night scene with falling stars. The number of falling stars respond to whichever bay the ammo can came from 1- 6. It is a simple silhouette of canyon walls at night with the ever growing darkness of the night welcoming you to take up a book and read under the real stars.

Year 2023

Life Jackets

This is one of the most important items you will have on the river. The life jacket can literary save your life and while wearing it should have some sick art on it. The other warehouse workers and I have been doing art on the back of the life jackets for have be more fun with the added bonus of sharing information about the canyon. Each of the jackets I do have a story they tell about a trip or an experience had in the canyon.

Grand Canyon Oil Painting on Canvas

This project was not a job by OARS but a gift I made. This one started out as a school final project of a master copy of a painting. I choose to make the Grand Journey by Charles Pabst. The goal of the assignment was to recreate the painting in all forms. The original painting is on a four foot by four foot canvas, which I made by hand. As the project’s due date was coming up I was able to cover the canvas with a base layer of paint but not finish it. I took my painting home and there it sat for some time. Eventually, I worked on it and putt in about 60 - 100 hours into painting. The painting changed form from the assignment to my own interpterion of his work and now it sits, done, at OARS’s Flagstaff warehouse.

Started 2021 finished 2023

Grand Journey

By: Charles Pabst




Snow Flakes